Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Malham Bird

first section in the past
"(For Joan)" - his wife

"that long summer a clarity of marvels" - even though he's experienced something life changing "no morning news announced the great world had been reinvented" - his life has changed but no-one knows it

"more than together" - they're just together because of their love it transcends that

now into the present
"three grandchildren later"

comparing his wife to the "malham of eden" - the only bird that was allowed to stay in Eden - symbol of pure goodness - the other birds "pecked the forbidden fruit"- she is a paragon of good

"lonely immortal forever winging over the banished gardens of Paradise" - important and sad final image - we think of her as this good peaceful but alone

"the tame seagull" and the "friendly gull" could also be compared to her too

means of the sea - the sea is endless and his love for her is endless and will last forever

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