Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Down the M4

because his wife died in a car crash not he M4 he associates the M4 with death

"scared to hear my mother's news" - Abse is afraid to her about another person's death is afraid to hear"mother's face is in her ninth decade" - scared about time running out - the inevitability of death - can feel death coming for him and his mum - he doesn't want to say how old she is -ninety- scares him because death is unescapable

"her friends are disrobed" - post-mortem but the single line is confusing until you read the next line

"the hole" - grave - talks around death - never direct about it - doesn't want to confront death head-on

"too" - repetition - shows that it keeps happening, and his increasing fear

"monotonous story of clocks" - "clocks" represent time-  the inevitability of death 

"hair turning grey" - ageing, again time passing

"perishable" - dying

"the tawe ran fluent" - water rushing indicates the natural passing of time

"his mother's mother" - looking back at people that are now gone - his mother will eventually die

"you're no Jewess" - history of discrimination - insulting

"under the M4 again" - cycle of life - poem begins and ends with him being on the M4

"the bridges leap over me then shrink in my side mirror" - represent his life - ageing and how life disappears

"and God further than all distance known" - feels such a distance from religion because its not bringing him any comfort - people are continuously dying - God is killing the people he loves

"like the tune my mother knows it won't keep" - just like that won't last - his life won't last

feels disconnected from religion and that everything is transitory, fleeting

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